Monday, September 7, 2009


I love taking long walks with Wilbur. The local walk - through Meyersville, up and down the dinky roads to the circle - is almost bucolic. (Note: I have never used that word before.)

I think alot in our walks.

Today, after almost 5 full months of raising a puppy into adolescenthood, which is indeed as hideous as everyone promised (Is he deaf? Doesn't he remember "shake?" Why won't he let me cut his nails?), I was wondering why Wilbur does some of the things he does.
  1. Why does he burrow under his bed in the crate to sleep on a hot day?
  2. Why does he want to roll in dead snakes and voles?
  3. Why does he seek out tissues to rip and play with?
  4. " " " " " the fabric under the boxspring to rip and play with?
  5. " " " " " seek out and destroy the right insert to my Merrill clog, and not the left, to which he has equal access? (Under my bed looks like a mouse nest.)
  6. How can he possibly be hungry after he eats 2 cups of dry food that expands to 4 cups in his stomach after he drinks water? (And I know for sure both measurements.)
  7. And since I have mentioned eating: Why is his entire world now focused on food? He drooled at the deli counter in Whole Foods.
  8. He's 98% Lab: Why can't he swim like a dog? All that follows his shoulders is under water when he paddles. He ends up swallowing water and not feeling so good after.
I don't know if I will ever have answers to these questions.

I don't know how dog people do it. Dogs eat unspeakable things, they seem to get diarrhea with regularity, (the one follows the other), they drool and they fart. Actually, thank goodness, Wilbur does not fart, but I still cannot be sure. He is a dog.

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